Welcome to Lanai

The entrepreneurs’ community VC
to back Spain’s most ambitious founders


Our thesis


We invest in pre-seed, we want to be a partner in the first stages of the entrepreneurial journey.

Ticket size

Our tickets start at 150 000 € with a follow-on capability of up to 1.5M € in several rounds.


We are proud industry agnostics and we invest in all kinds of verticals.


We are investors and founders

We’re not just investors, we are hands-on entrepreneurs partners.

We use our knowledge and network to advise and support our partners.

We don’t invest in projects, we invest in founders.

We invest in winning teams and support them in achieving their goals.
Jeroen Merchiers, Rubén Ferreiro y Guillermo Llibre

Investment vehicles

Companies invested

Founders as investors

Years working together

Years experience in early stage VC

The team at Lanai has been working together as founders and operators for 12 years. Lanai was launched in 2017 and we already have a portfolio of more than 50 companies.

We have over 15 years of entrepreneurial experience having founded 6 companies (Viko, Groupalia, Gymforless, Housell, Zazume, Yaba) that generate annual revenues of +€100m and employ +500 people.

As business angels and through our funds we have invested in over 50 companies that generate more than €1 billion in revenue, have raised more than €2 billion capital, and employ over 15.000 employees.



Jeroen Merchiers

General Partner
Co-founder & CEO at Zazume & Lanai. Former Managing Director of Airbnb EMEA. Originally from Belgium but spent his life living abroad and now calls Barcelona home! Father of 3, husband of 1.

Rubén Ferreiro

Rubén Ferreiro

General Partner
CEO of VIKO, Chairman of YABA and Business Angel since 2010. Passionate about digital entrepreneurship & innovation. Galician living in Barcelona, occasionally hops to CDMX. Father, traveler, foodie and life enthusiast.

Guillermo Llibre

General Partner
CEO and founder of Housell, former founder of GymForLess and Groupalia. Entrepreneur and investor with experience in tech, enjoying venture capital for driving innovation and learning from others’ passions. Father of three and passionate about trail running.

Pau Mallorqui

Diego Camilleri

General Partner
Former Competitive Strategy lead at Uber EMEA and former Director at KPMG Deal Advisory in New York. Syndicate lead of eSeed.vc. Father of 2 kids with another one on the way. Avid traveler and learner.

Pau Mallorqui

Pau Mallorqui

Investment Associate
Over 3 years of experience in Pre-Seed VC Investments and a solid background in publicly traded markets. Avid sports enthusiast and a dedicated traveler, constantly seeking new adventures.

Pau Mallorqui

Ignacio Garicano

Working in VC investments for over 4 years. Led the creation of Impact Angels, the first business angel network focusing on impact investments in Spain.

Pau Mallorqui

Sandra Castells

Investment Analyst
As part of our investment team, Sandra analyzes and manages deal flow, always eager to meet the next top-tier founders. Scuba diver, curious by nature and ocean enthusiast.

Our investors and advisors


We are backed by some of the most relevant founders and managers in the Spanish startup ecosystem.

Manuel Roca

Co-Founder & CEO at Atrapalo, Co-Founder UNIVRSE

Roger Egan III

José Manuel Villanueva

Co-Founder 011h / Former Co-Founder & CEO at Privalia

Álvaro Gutierrez

Co-Founder & Co-CEO at Barkibu / Former Co-Founder & CEO at Kiwoko

Ignacio Traversi

Co-founder & CSO at Cobee

Roger Egan III

Pablo Pazos

Co-founder & Co-CEO at Barkibu

Juan Zamora

Co-founder & Former CEO at Signaturit

Fred Cavet

Co-Founder Amenitiz

Roger Egan III

Avinash Sukhwani

Co-Founder Payflow

Benoit Menardo

Co-Founder Payflow

Miquel Fresneda

Managing Director & Co-Founder at Woffu

Roger Egan III

Joaquim Lecha

CEO at Typeform

José López

Co-Founder & Co-CEO at iSalud
